Hello, I am Ekay.

The name Ekay is from initial with my maiden name but there is an artist named Ek already, so mine became Ekay. My specialty is fine line / micro tattoo as known as single line tattoo. I love doing detailed works, it’s so much fun to me. But the style takes longer time than other style, think of filling in a paper with a brush versus a ball point pen. Tiny line would take longer time to finish, right?

I am 31 and tattooing for 5 years in 2021, from South Korea. I met my husband back in Korea in 2019 and moved to the states in 2020. It’s been not easy due to Covid and getting used to living in a new country but I am having fun building a new life here with the love of my life, and doing what I love to do.

I love traveling, I’ve been to 19 countries so far. I consider life as a travel. Who wants to get stressed while traveling? So happiness is the most important value of my life. Not only of myself but also of everyone around me. I put more than 100% of myself on each of your tattoos so that you can be happy through my work. To be happy, I will respect you and your being in the way you are, also I expect you to do the same to me.

I prefer not to talk when I am tattooing, because my designs are delicate and I have to be super focused on every single line. I even control the way I breathe when I am working. Also English is not my first language, it’s hard to focus on everything at once. In case of being bored, please bring your headphone with you when you come to get tattooed by me.

I only want you all to be happy.

See you in Shoot The Moon Tattoo studio !

Instagram (209)424-2014



